BW film scanning w/out lightroom
I started shooting film a month ago, I found on ebay a good deal for a Yashica rapide (half frame 35mm) and now I recently got a Yashica 365 medium format, which I’m still in the process of cleaning from a lens fungus.
I’m shooting almost exclusively bw and developing my own film. Now, being on a budget, I’ve been scanning it at home too using a Fuji x100t with a makeshift and 3d printed setup.
Not having lightroom to process raw files I’ve been using jpeg at the max resolution and inverting them with Snapseed, but I’m wondering whether I could improve this workflow somehow.
My question is twofold: is there another way to invert raw files without using lightroom? Is it better to take bw or color jpeg? At the moment I’m going with bw.
Any input is welcome! Thanks :)