Ancestry results as a Gullah Black American

Gullah from the sea islands of South Carolina, I haven't seen too many results from people who are from the Gullah/Geechee Corridor but I see a lot of interest in our culture and DNA so I decided to post my percentages. My ancestors on both sides have never left South Carolina we've been living there for a little over 300 years I've always known my heritage from stories past down from my parents, grandparents and Great grandparent on my dad's side. My mom's side is from the more country/rural areas outside of Charleston, SC which is where my Mali (Sierra Leone), And Western Bantu(Angola) comes from, while my dad's side is a little more complex, from him I received Mostly Nigerian and Benin and Togo, 8% European DNA and 1% percent native American DNA, I know exactly which ancestors I got my White DNA from (My Great Great Grandad) because we share the same First and Last name from my family's tradition of naming the oldest sons First name "John", I am the 5th of my name. Also from oral stories I know where my Roma DNA comes from because my grandad used to say his mother's father looked like one of those "Gypsies"(Excuse the term he's old) I shrugged him off but apparently, he was right so seeing that wasn't a surprise. finally, my grandad told me exactly which ancestor was Native American way before I even thought of taking the test I just forgot exactly which one at the moment, but I do know they were a part of the Pee dee Native Americans who also fall under Catawba Nation. And to answer a question I feel like I'm going to be asked "Why does your dad have so much Nigerian instead of Sierra Leone like most Gullah" well it's because my dad's side actually came to Charleston, South Carolina and surrounding areas from the west indies as a Free Blackman back in the early to mid 1800s, he opened a horse and buggy repair shop and eventually when cars started to become the normal it became a car repair shop that's still open to this day and run by my family, so to answer the original question it's because he's technically not Gullah but he is a Black South Carolinian from the Gullah Geechee corridor and that's why both of my parents share the exact same Community's with the exception of the Pee Dee and Beaufort regions that are specifically only from my dad. I've included pictures of myself I'd love it if anyone especially Africans would let me know what African country they would've guessed I'm from if they didn't know my DNA results. Thanks for reading this far I think I've covered everything but if there's any questions you'd like to ask, comment and I'll try to get to them when I get off work.