Had the Wildest Trade Interaction in Aparri's Den 🤦‍♂️

So, I was in Aparri's den offering my trade list for a whiteout collar (but I was also open to offers on individual items). Someone started a trade with me, and everything seemed normal at first—they opened with a friendly "hii!!" and selected the phantom beanie from my list.

Then they asked me what the beanie was worth. I explained: "The beanie is the same worth as a blackout collar—so about 17k-20k, but since demand is rising a bit right now, it's more like 18k-20k."

Out of nowhere, they got upset and asked, "What are you even looking for?!?!?!" I calmly responded, "Well, I was offering my list (the beanie + 23 adds) for a whiteout collar."

Then they demanded to know what a whiteout collar is worth. I replied, "Around 45k-55k; most people are trading theirs for 50k-55k now."

Cue the meltdown minutes before they cancel the trade, started ranting, and claimed that both the phantom beanie AND the whiteout were only worth 15k—basically saying two items with wildly different values were somehow the same, and only worth 15k?!?!?! mk...

I told them, "Please don’t get upset when you’re trying to lowball someone. Scamming is lame, and people aren’t gullible to lowballs or intended scams."

They kept going, accusing me of not knowing worths and telling me to "do better." 🤷‍♂️ Honestly, the whole interaction was ridiculous, but hey, just another day trading ;-;

Be careful trading with the person shown with this outfit. (To PROTECT THEIR IDENTITY AND NOT CALL OUT THEIR USERNAME, I cropped the image to hide any identifying details outside of their outfit. This is to prevent others from dealing with this behavior whilst keeping the lowballer safe from harassment.)
