Bars of soap for everything, no liquids
One thing we did to reduce our plastic waste a few years back was to go through the bathroom and kitchen and change products from liquids in plastic bottles, to powder og bars that come in cardboard.
And I love our new products, and never miss the liquids in plastic.
Hand soap - bar of soap.
Shampoo - bar of soap
Conditoner - bar of soap or don't use.
Stain remover- bar of soap
Detergent for clothes, - powder in a cardboard box
Fabric softener - don't use it
Dish soap - bar of soap.
Soap to wash floors - bar of soap
Deodorant- crystal deodorant or home made in a glass jar.
These products works great. We have found vegan alternatives and things we really like. There is no waste of product in the bottom of a bottle.
Recomend strongly.
There is also an added bonus of less water being transported needlessly.