What’s a small habit you engaged in that’s helped you consume less?

I’ve been having some trouble decreasing my mindless buys namely when it comes to clothes. I used to be 50 lbs+ heavier than I am now—so trying on clothes in stores has only recently become enjoyable. Unfortunately that’s come with the downside of wanting to purchase almost anything I put on — I’m not as insecure.

I know some of the desire is driven by missing out on being able to dress my “style” in high school and college as I had a harder time finding things I liked. Any ideas would help!

So far my best way to curb my ingrained desire has been to do a mental walk through at stores — “this black shirt is nice. How many black shirts do I have already? Why don’t I wear them more instead? Is the quality even good? Where would I put it? “ etc. Bringing up price sometimes deters me but I usually shop thrift or clearance so it’s not much of a block to climb over.