How to prevent extreme blushing
I’m socially anxious and when I laugh my forehead vein pops and when I’m stressed or embarrassed I have extreme facial blushing. Which makes me more humiliated and other people uncomfortable too
It’s so uncomfortable and I wish I had more of a grip on this
People have said I’m beautiful but when I laugh or blush I can see whatever beauty I had is gone in their eyes as they look with mild disgust or get so uncomfortable as to look away
Things that make me blush are weird, not horrible things. Like I’ll reach out to grab/squish a mosquito and I’d laugh and say “haha I’m like a cat” and the person I’m with will laugh too and mimick what I said and I’d go on to have an extreme blushing episode that I simply can’t stop once it comes on. Or if I’m listening to someone for a long time and they ask me “what about you? How is…” I’ll regain consciousness that I’m a human in a body (idk how I left it) and feel a desire to not want to talk about myself, feel total and utter self consciousness, intensely blush, stumble on my words and do my best to redirect back to them
I’m a therapist, ex radio show host, worked hospitality for 8 years, I can talk to people fine! It’s just these weird moments that once I start feeling the blush come on it just won’t go away! And my whole body heats up and I sweat and it’s awful
How can I change this? Might have have something to do with my posture too? I’ve tried hypnosis but the program I used doesn’t really work. I just want it to end so I can feel comfortable in my body 😢