Echoes of Wisdom AAR Released

Hey guys! This is probably the best version of AAR I've made to date. This includes of course the gameplay fix, but it also has hud scaling and shifting for ALL the elements in the game. There is only one place that I need to fix still-- The background blur on the echo selection menu.

Cutscene fix is here! This one is different than the one in MVDK, which scales the movie files. In this engine, all the movies are played by panes, which makes it much easier to manage!

There are two main options when dealing cutscenes (including the title screen background!). You can have it be pillarboxed, or zoomed in. Zooming in a cutscene will make it fill your screen, but you lose information at the top and bottom, like here:

In constrast, you can pillarbox them, like here:

I personally prefer the top option for the title screen, even though you lose some data. This carries in to the file select screen:

And now we are getting to the menus! You'll notice I expanded all the menus to fill the space!

I'm happy with how it turned out.

Of course, last but not least, we have gameplay. HUD elements and alerts are all shifted, here is how it looks:

as per usual, this works at ANY aspect ratio, though currently only horizontal aspect ratios are supported (wider than 16:9). In the future I'll add support for more like Steam Deck and 4:3

If you want to download a prebuilt version, check it out on gamebanana here:

Otherwise, use the tool to generate your own versions. The tool in the launcher is already updated. If you have it downloaded already, simply launch it and it will auto update with the new option for echoes of wisdom.

Also, if you notice any issues, or anything for me to fix, please raise an issue here: It helps out a ton