UPDATE: Excessive inspections?

Hi all,

I posted a few days ago about having three apartment inspections in one month and just wanted to update y’all. Thank you all for your suggestions and comments too.

So, I ended up called the leasing office and apparently it’s just three different groups (two contractors and one being the ADA) coming into studio apartments who couldn’t come in all at the same day, but then all their inspections just happened to all fall within the same month. I hope that made sense.

Edit: I should’ve asked mentioned that the third ADA inspection is happening either today or tomorrow.

Do I still think it’s excessive and invasive? Yes. Why are they only going through studio apartments when the majority of their units are 1+ bedrooms? No clue. But at this point, I bought a lockbox to hide some valuables in (just in case) and will push the issue further if another inspection comes up soon. They said this should be the last one for awhile.

For additional context, inspections put me on edge because I’ve had trauma happen in the past where my parents would go through my stuff with no valid cause and disregard my privacy, even as an adult (ex: photocopying my diary, having my texts be backed up somewhere they can see, etc). So, letting a whole bunch of strangers into my little safe haven is nerve wracking for me.

I also asked, like some of you were saying, if anyone was complaining about me or if they were looking for something in particular and they said no (even though I’m not sure they’d disclose the truth anyways). Regardless, I have nothing to hide anyways. No smoking and no pets.

Thank you again everyone. It’s nice to hear that I’m not overreacting either. Sending love and hoping all is well.