I love my tank, even if it’s not the prettiest

My husband recently gave me this 55l Dennerle Nano tank to upgrade from my 35l Fluval flex. I just love the rounded corners! And the glass being much thicker is a great bonus. I was always afraid of cracking the thin Fluval glass.

Stock is: 5 neon tetras (should be 6, but they’re very good at hiding), 3 otocinclus (although I rarely see even 1…), 3 black nerite snails, 4 amano shrimp, 4 cherry shrimp and 3 pink ramshorn snails.

The cherry shrimp I got from a friend, together with the red leafed plant (I’m terrible at plant names). And with the plant I also got a bunch of snail eggs and that’s how I got my pink buddies. They are just the funniest snails ever!

I’m considering maybe adding some zebra barbs of danios. Love the whole Beetlejuice striping in them, haha!