25gal stocking ideas?
I have an empty 25 gal just sitting around…. I was originally going to use it to breed shrimp to trade with my LFS (the fish stores in Houston are severely lacking in shrimp). but I figured id wait until I moved into my next apartment for that so I can dedicate a portion of my livingroom to it, which wont happen for another year. I want to do something with this 25gal in the meantime, but I have no ideas for it. If you guys got this tank, what would you stock it with?
Using UNS controsoil, sponge filters, and I already have some hardscape handy, but I dont mine going out and getting something different.
Plant ideas would be nice too <3 basically just starting with a blank canvas here.
Side note; one of my close friends has had an insanely large mystery snail population explosion, so I agreed to take some off her hands. A few will probably end up in this tank…