Change or wait?? First 4ft tank and feels off?
I planted my first big tank (4ft, 300L) a few weeks ago, and it doesn’t feel right. I’ve done 2 smaller tanks in the past and I’m happy with how they’ve come out, so I suspect part of my problem here is scale as well as composition.
I guess I was kinda hoping that as the plants established it would feel more finished but it’s been a few weeks now and I kinda feel like I want to start again?
When I look at individual sections close up I like it, but as a whole it just doesn’t feel right.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to improve it?
I haven’t added fish yet but was planning a community tank with green neon tetras, corydoras, rasporas, red cherry shrimp and maybe a feature fish.
A few ideas I’m playing around with: 1. Shorten the back rock wall (move the last 2 rocks) to hopefully create some more depth so you can see all the way to the back of the tank ? 2. Test out different coloured backgrounds 3. Start again 4. Different plants / move plants around 5. More hardscape? Move hardscape around?
Having more space feels a lot harder to work with