Option to Rez enemy players
To my knowledge no other game let's me both loot enemy players while they're down and rez them so there's no reason to believe AR has this option.
I would like the option to essentially catch and release. Down a player, take weapons and meds, dump them a safe distance a away then rez them. In games like this often times you have to fight and only realize that it maybe wasn't necessary after the fact (you realize they were new and severely under equipped and just didn't have a safe option to talk before close LOS was established). I would have 3 tactical options with this: 1- I could do what I described above. 2- take only the things I want, and THEN do option 1. And 3- in a multi person fight if I down someone, I can take their weapon to either use or deny it should they crawl away and get rezed.