Regeneration and Armor Piercing are Better than People Think.

(TL:DR at end) I always see people running attack speed, speed, and agility builds with no thought on armor piercing or regeneration but I come to you all today with my results after using them for around 50 hours each.

First regen I used it on knight I started off with 300 and it kinda sucked but still noticeable enough to out regen starvation. The problem is with this regen build is with knight when your movement abilities use 60 fucking HP each the regen cannot keep up. So I rebuilt my gear to have 425 regen with 100 power and 400 defense and had to re-think my playstyle. To use regen you really have to use it. Play aggressive then when you take like 200-400 damage back off and play passive until healed. To do this best on knight use a bow because the M1s don’t use HP and bows are great at punishing moves. With this I can win most fights and be an annoying little shit at the same time. With this regen I was at about 30 per second in combat and could go to 45 with food. End result was about a 60% win rate against experienced players.

Secondly armor pierce. For this build I had 132 power, 800 defense, 40 agi, 144 armor piercing and was used on savant with lightning, sailor, acid. This was my first time running savant so I had some issues at first but began getting better but as I did I noticed my armor piercing doing some interesting things like 88 damage against a parry, 150 damage against an armored ravenna shield (blocked) granted these were using my big damage attacks like a small acid blast or a piercing shot but still big numbers for what they are up against. End result was about a 75% win rate against experienced players.

Resistance build in the works abyssal boxing is a pain in the ass.

TL:DR Me won fights using armor piercing and regen and can confirm they good.