The event Ranking system a lie (misleading at best)
Edit, a comment in the comment section from kafka8383, thank you for helping
If you scroll down on the leaderboard, there’s 50 players. That means every set of 50 players are in one group. There are multiple groups. The screenshots you’ve seen means the individuals who posted are in different groups. Hope this helps explain the misunderstanding.
Interesting other thing I found today, the ranking system for the surprise lucky pouch is misleading at best, I took a photo to prove, but best case situation it's regional talies, worst case Archero is trying to incentivize you (like it always does) to spend money to get the best rewards
Please post screenshots of the leaderboards for the lucky coin event in the comments, I want to see if it's regional or actual bots
Edit) main point of message summarized If you compare your own surprise lucky pouch rankings with someone else there are completely different people on those ranks