Finding a sense of purpose after asian parents?
My whole life, what propelled me to excel in school and to push through all hardships, my “Big Why” was blind selflessness and reverence towards my asian parents and respect for all the sacrifices they made for me. It was such a big driving force for me and got me through so many tough situations.. yk what they say “he who has a great enough ‘why’ can bear almost any ‘how’”
However, ever since i started realizing that maybe my parents’ values are flawed after like 2020 and questioning my dad’s attitudes towards racism, sexism, and how he has treated me, i started losing this big trust in my parents and this driving force getting me through all of these hard things now that im in college. I have noticed my friends with close relationships with their parents excel in school because they want to make their parents proud or because they trust their parents’ values and the sense of purpose that they have instilled in them. And im struggling to find my own sense of purpose now.
I find it very difficult rebuilding your set of values from scratch. I think your sense of purpose consists of two things 1) something that will fulfill yourself and put you in a flow state that will also 2) help you contribute to the world. For me, that used to be being a good daughter to make my parents’ sacrifice pay off. How did you guys find your sense of purpose after decentering asian parents?