Can Americans get maple leaf tattoos?

I'm American. Fed up with 'Murica.

If I got a maple leaf tattoo, basically you guy's flag, is that cultural appropriation since I've never even been to your country?

I'm a fan of your comedy, your music, and your freedom loving laws if that helps. And I admire the strength of Canada in standing up to our bullies.

ETA: So, I probably won't get the leaf. While a lot of you guys are really friendly about the idea, and many others are just so committed to letting others be free that you wouldn't say "no" even if you don't think it's cool, some of you get a message out of it that I wouldn't want to send.

But especially thanks to everyone who invited me to Canada with such a friendly vibe. You guys are great. I would invite you all to Arkansas in the same spirit, but I can't guarantee how things will go. I'm sorry my country is being such a d--k, right now.

To the 2 of you that called it "stolen valor," don't do that, please. That's disrespectful to Canada's veterans. Stolen valor has a whole different meaning attached to it than just your flag. To be under your flag, all you had to do was be born. Stolen valor is when you take on the things you only get when you swear an oath to defend your country. To call a leaf tattoo "stolen valor" is to devalue the serious commitment and sacrifices made by your military service personnel. Thank you.