Thoughts on Duty to Retreat?

For those that don’t know, The duty to retreat is a legal requirement that a person must try to escape a dangerous situation before using force in self-defense. It's a legal principle that emphasizes preserving life and avoiding conflict. You see these laws mostly in New England, New York, New Jersey, and, randomly, Minnesota.

So.. when I learned of this doctrine I… honestly have to admit I was baffled by it. The concept of being forced to retreat instead of defending myself when being attacked or robbed seems utterly nonsensical. This is something I will admit I agree with conservatives on. If you come at me and my property, your safety is not my concern. You should have thought of that before being a menace.

Seeing as this seems to be exclusive (mostly) to the NE, I gotta ask, what is everyone else’s take on Duty to Retreat?