Unknown rash on face

F26, 5'2", Caucasian, no recent change in meds, mild social drinking (few times a week), moderate cannabis use (most days, but at night only), no other recreational drug use.

Link to images: https://imgur.com/a/qVyo4Fq

I have a super fun rash on my face. At first I thought it was an acne breakout, which is weird since I don't really get acne, other than the occasional pimple. It's been about 2 weeks and it gets a little better and then a little worse, and continues in that cycle. It feels dry and a little painful, like stinging/burning sensation. Almost feels like a sunburn.

I usually wash my face once a day with CeraVe face wash, but have increased to twice a day since rash appeared). The only other product I use on my face is a seaweed serum (but again, I've been using this for years and have not had a reaction before). I'm not sure what's going on.

I thought maybe allergies, but I'm not having any other allergy symptoms. Of course, did an obligatory google search but nothing really seems to fit what the rash looks/feels like.

I have been trying to get in to see a dermatologist, but no one is taking new patients as of right now. Still looking, but I thought I would post here in the meantime.

Thank you in advance for your time!