Widespread petechiae/purpura-going on 6+ months
Hi! As we all know, American healthcare is a pain in the ass to navigate + a let down. The diagnosis process has been dragging, I finally got a dermatologist appointment this week after waiting 2 months. Allegedly they are going to run tests + biopsies, but I’ll believe it once it happens. I hope to get a referral to a rheumatologist from there. So, yes! Proper medical care is underway, but it is a grueling process.
This started in April + has since become widespread, from my shins to my torso, back of my leg, hips, breasts, back, buttocks + arms. I am beginning to grow increasingly concerned about the potential underlying cause as it’s continuously gotten worse + not better. Has anybody else experienced something similar or have any thoughts about what direction I should be heading in for answers?
For added context, here is a list of medical concerns I used to believe were separate issues but now believe it is all stemming from the same issue:
Migraines with auras; numbness + tingling in face/arms/hands, visual light aura, loss of vision, nausea, dizziness
Skin rash + petechiae on shins/thighs/hips/torso/breast/butt/back + even in mouth
Heat flashes in face/facial flushing tomato red/hot only in face; no known trigger
Extremely easy bruising/fragile skin/velvet soft skin/stretchy skin
Dizziness/weakness/blacking out in shower/standing up/moving quickly/stretching/pre-syncope symptoms”
Shortness of breath when going up stairs, walking upward, in shower; often I feel short of breath/fatigued when doing simple tasks like laundry, cleaning, carrying in groceries etc.
Can recount 3 times I woke up covered in sweat, unable to stand up without blacking out, unable to regulate breathing, having to crawl to get water then fainting + not regaining consciousness until the morning. When these things happened I cognitively felt okay, but physically couldn’t function.
Diarrhea several times a week/day
Joint pain + swelling of the joints/drawer full of braces for different parts of my body without having ever broken a Irregular, heavy periods that last 2-3 days
Subtle heart palpitations
Spells of lightheadedness/shaky limbs + jaw/weakness/slurred speech/difficulty forming sentences
30 years old/female/lexapro/adderall/anemic