My gf belly button, looks cracked at the bottom, hurts if pushed and causes instant diarrhea.

She is 36f, Chinese, no other medical issues, not taking medication. Picture in comments

My girlfriend’s belly button, looks cracked, if pushed it hurts her and causes instant diarrhea

She says it’s been this way from birth. She says it hurts her to push on it. She says the pain is a 2 on the pain scale chart. She also says that every time it is pushed on she quickly (she says it happens within an hour) has diarrhea. She can’t clean it because when she does she gets diarrhea. Sometimes she just cleans it anyways knowing she will have to deal with diarrhea later.

I’ve never seen another bellybutton like this. I asked her if she has asked the dr about it and she said no.

Is she ok?