Could this be anxiety only?
Hi everyone, I’m reaching out to see if anyone could give me some advice in regards to the symptoms I’ve been feeling
I am female, 26 years old 5'2, 100lbs, not taking any meds. For the past 2 years I’ve been feeling an on and off numbness on the right side of my face (around my cheek and jaw) I feel lit for a week and then it goes away for a couple of months and comes back? I didn’t want to pay too much attention to it but last year I started having some issues in my life that made me very nervous, stressed and anxious so when I would feel this numbness I’d immediately associate it with my mental health, I then started getting very hypochondriac, just imagining I’d have some type of disease so when I started feeling tingling on the right side of my head, like a tightness around my scalp I got very spooked and went to the doctor, I didn’t mention any psychological issues I was having as I didn’t want his opinion to be biased but right away he told me this is psychological and I got a ct scan, tsh labs and blood labs and he said everything was normal, I was very relieved and the symptoms went away for a while, then my mind starting thinking what if I have a tumor or something that’s causing this, the feeling came back so I went to a neurologist, again I told him my symptoms and he mentioned FND but said he didn’t see any signs of me needing any further testing, he also diagnosed me with overactive bladder (because sometimes I pee a lot every 30 minutes, it doesn't happen always but randomly), and referred me to a psychiatrist, again this made me feel better and my symptoms went away when he told me this. But here we are two months later and I’m starting to feel the numbness on my face and tingling on my head and I get scared again!
I should also add that my behaviors do feel like hypochondria, for example after I went to the first doctor and he assured me I was fine a couple days later I was sure I had appendicitis and went to the ER and they told me I was fine (I was, nothing happened), then the feeling of numbness came back and went to see the second doctor and again he told me I was fine, and then I was sure I was going to loose a tooth, I didn’t have pain or anything but I was convinced I was going to break it or something (this has gone away) now I’m feeling numbness again, so I think I’m going crazy 😫. As for why this could be happening all I can think about is that some family members got diagnosed with diseases this past year and that really freaked me out.
Is my mind playing tricks on me? Do I need to seek a 3rd opinion or will my mind not believe the diagnosis again? I’m so tired of feeling thiss way!