Is reddits reputation as alt right pipeline and gamer bro place outdated?
Redditors still to this day have a reputation, of being very cringe socially unaware right leaning gamers and woman haters. They earned this reputation during gamer-gate and their following behaviors. But surely that's a thing of the past and it's silly that society still looks down on "redditors". I've not used many social medias but I use Instagram and Facebook. And on Instagram and facebook I don't dare look at the comment section on anything related to trans people or women, meanwhile I haven't seen transphobia on Reddit without it being fervently downvoted. Furthermore there's no algorithm to push you towards the right on here, you have to actively choose to go looking for right leaning content on Reddit.
The fact that reddit downprioritize downvoted comments rather than featuring them due to them being interacted with is a godsend for marginalized groups who don't want to read phobia everywhere.
I haven't tried the other social medias but I fear they are equally transphobic and sexist and that reddit is actually a haven of progressivism compared to other apps.
So yeah, do you agree or do you have a different experience?