Why has my car insurance gone up by so much?

It doesn't make any sense. I drive a 2008 Ford Mondeo. I've had my license for over 3 years in Ireland but I've been driving since I was 16 with a license in the States and I'm now 40. I've never gotten in an accident or even gotten a speeding ticket. The only thing I can think that could have had an effect is I got a ticket in a parking lot because I forgot to tax my car. I paid the ticket, taxed my car and paid the back tax. Two years ago my insurance was over 500 last year it was over 600 now I'm being charged over 900!

I forgot to mention that I went to Chill to compare insurance prices and they all are over 900 as well.

Why am I being charged so much?

Update: So I called my insurance provider asking why it was so much and said some crap about insurance is going up with all companies. But they were able to bring it down from the original €947 to €767.

Thanks to one of the suggestions I checked out Revolut and they quoted me for €550 so I'll be going with them.