Books on 1970s-1980s "alterna-culture"?

Hi everybody. Sorry for the vague title; I'll try to explain. And also, this may not be only a query for books, but for the best sub where I should ask this question.

So my question is not about alternative music as such, but about a bunch of late '70s-80s phenomena that seem to me to share a sensibility, and often even participants. You can find books on the individual topics, but I wonder if there's some kind of study or cultural history that brings them all together. I'm referring to things that share a strong DIY / zine aesthetic and that also have an interest in "the fringe," as you might call it, whether that means extreme industrial or experimental music, body modification, anarchism, cult movies, UFOs, or conspiracy theories. This is close to punk culture, but not exactly the same as it. I'm referring to bands such as Negativland or the Residents (or, on the more commercial side, Devo), publishing companies such as Loompanics, the various publications of Re/Search magazine (Industrial Culture Handbook, Modern Primitives, Incredibly Strange Music, Pranks! etc.), or even the Church of the Subgenius (and perhaps its predecessor, Discordianism). You might even include here things like Dr. Demento (who was definitely associated with the Church of the Subgenius), early Weird Al, the Illuminatus trilogy, etc.

Does this all make sense? It's a sensibility that seems to fade out by the early '90s, and if some of these are revived on the internet, it's in a very different context. If you can think of other cultural figures or phenomena that might fit, please let me know.