Where can you buy garlic that isn’t already germed to shit?

Sorry to be crass - but I’m tired of this, Grandpa. Every time I buy garlic these days (and honestly it feels like for the past year or two), the green germ in every clove is super pronounced, and there are often soft, brown cloves hidden under the skin.

Granted, I do most of my grocery shopping at Ralph’s and Vons - which I know isn’t exactly a nonpareil of quality produce - but whenever I’m in Oregon or Washington and buy garlic from a Kroger or Albertsons outlet, it’s totally fine. This makes no sense. We grow more garlic than anywhere else in the country, yet the only garlic I can find in my regular, local grocery stores is already halfway to compost.

Where do you fine people buy your pristine, white, non-germy garlic?