Is my boyfriend going to break up with me

My boyfriend and I have been together over two years in that time frame he got caught with other girls nudes in his phone and I found out he hung out alone with a girl that all happened within 8 months of our relationship and I chose to forgive him because I am not a perfect person either and I love him very much. He hasn’t done anything since but it definitely caused me to feel unloved and I would go back and forth with him about breaking up because I was unhappy. Over thanksgiving I had the feeling again I told him and I immediately regretted it and apologized and told him I would work on my trust issues that I had from what happened. We have never abused each other and we love each other and we both want what’s best for each other, but he then realized the pain he had caused me and wanted to break up with me because he said “I’m holding you back” and “I’ve hurt you too much”. I really don’t want us to break up I’m a firm believer in the idea that if two people love each other and aren’t physically or mentally abusing each other they can work through their issues. We are now on a break but still talking to each other and still remaining in a relationship. We just aren’t hanging out with each other so he can “understand the way he feels”. Is he going to leave me because I’m upset about the way he has made me feel and in turn he is upset.