a close guy friend who confuses me

okay, so i (32f) have a friend (31m) who i talk to every day. literally, from the day we started texting about a month ago, we talked every day throughout the day. he texts me until he falls asleep, late into the night (we both struggle with sleep). if we haven’t talked during the day, he’ll reach out and ask how my day has been. when i think that the conversation has naturally ended, he’ll hit me with “what are you up to?” or “how was your day?”

i know all about his past and his family stuff. we have deep conversation for hours. and yet, this man has looked me in my face and told me he has no feelings for me, that he wouldn’t be bothered if i started dating someone. mind you, i asked this at what was supposed to be our final hangout before i moved cities, and he set us up in front of a fireplace in his building with a bottle of wine and snacks.

oh, also we established that we’re physically attracted to each other, but he says that he’s not looking for anything with anyone and isn’t emotionally available. he had a breakup 3 months ago (i had one a month ago) plus a difficult year, so that’s why he isn’t available.

even though he checks in on how i’m doing and wants to know when i’m home safe after we hang out. and last night, we were at two separate events and this man told me when he was leaving his event and then told me when he got home… because that’s i guess what we do? i know all about his family and he keeps me updated about them, about his job hunting, and i cheer all of it on. if we were to decide to date, i would be like “yeah, we can go right into bf/gf because we been dating” EXCEPT ALMOST NO TOUCHING.

so tell me, men: what is up with this dude? is it truly possible he has no feelings for me?