Girlfriend says female desire gets frustrated when made explicit. What's you experience with this?

We've had a disagreement today and after a difficult conversation we came to this 'conclusion'. She said that by definition her desire gets frustrated if she has to explicitly state it.

Actually she was hinting at this, the complete idea was formulated by me and confirmed by her. She says that's the condition of female desire. She's interested in psychology and reads a lot, so the word 'desire' could have some of that connotations.

I can understand this but it leaves me in the position of having to be constantly mindful of what this unspoken desire could be. This can be confusing and exhausting.

I know this is what you do when you love someone. Keep them in mind. Think about what they want. But sometimes our desires are contradictory (go here / don't go here) and ends up looking like I should anticipate what she wants and want it as well.

I can do that, but I also think that there's a real need for making wants and desire clear and explicit, but, according to her, this would go against the very idea of desiring something.

I end up feeling like I'm pressing the wrong key and causing conflicts that could have been avoided with higher intuition.

What's your experience? Have you noticed or been told something like this? What's your advice?

Thank you for reading.