Isn't it wrong to expect your offspring to be well enough off right at age 18?

The debate has been around for many years: When your offspring turn age 18 many people in the USA say it is justified to kick your offspring out. Only got $20 to your name on your 18th birthday? Too bad - hit the bricks. I personally will not have kids for the sole reason that I see wealth inequality spiraling in the USA out of control. I see homelessness getting much worse.

I personally cannot justify a parent ever turning their kid down from living with the. Do people not realize it is not 1950 anymore and there are today literally people working full time living out of their vehicle? Both of my blood parents refused to let me live with them when I was 21 yo and graduating from college. I just needed a place to live for about 3 months tops to build enough savings to get an apartment (I had lived on campus all 4 years since it was cheaper than an apartment). Both of my parents told me I am an adult and to figure it out. I told them both they should not have had kids if it meant in times of financial need their offspring need to move in. And mind you both of them at least once between age 18-30 needed to live for a temporary time with their own parents. So I called them both a hyporcite. I hardly talk to either of them now because of this.

Many of my friends moved back in with their parents after getting their undergraduate degree around ages 21-22 and only had to live with them for a few months. This idea that when you turn 18 you are just expected to be well off to get your own place is wild to me. Newsflash: Don't have offspring if you think at age 18 they are going to be well off enough these days to sign a lease!