Job interview coding test - was this unreasonably difficult?
Many years ago, I applied for a job at Blizzard, and they gave me what I considered to be an unreasonably difficult programming test. It still bothers me to this day.
At the time, I had over 10 years of experience in C++, and I still found it impossible to complete this test in the required 1-4 hours. I spent several days just thinking about the design and planning it out. And then just typing in all the code and getting it to work took me over 8 hours. But it worked just fine and met all the requirements, and the code was very readable.
But then they nitpicked some stylistic issues (which I disagreed with), and found a bug with a really insignificant edge case (when the game was over, and it asked you for a y/n if you wanted to play again, if you entered a number instead of a character, it caused an error.) Interestingly, they did not criticize me for taking more than 4 hours, even though the instructions clearly said that was a strict requirement. But anyway, I did not get a follow-up interview or a job offer.
I'm not asking you for a solution. My question for you is, do you think most programmers should be able to complete this in 1-4 hours, or was this an unreasonable test? And if it's unreasonable, what were they hoping to learn by making me do it, and how was I supposed to respond? I wonder if they were looking for me to honestly say, "I don't think I can do that in 4 hours - give me a few days."
Here was the problem description:
Problem: Write a Checkers subset
Write a program that can play a legal game of Checkers Lite. The computer makes
legal moves (random legal moves are acceptable for this checkers "AI").
The human player is not allowed to make illegal moves.
Checkers Lite is the same as American Checkers (also known as
English draughts) except there is no promotion to king by moving a piece to the last
rank (therefore stalemate is possible). Pieces move along diagonals, and jumps must
be taken, and the board is 8 x 8. See if you
need a refresher on the rules.
Your program should show the game board after each move.
If there are no legal moves, or one side is eliminated, the game is over.
Suggested board output format as ASCII - use . for empty square, X for black, O for white. The
initial board layout might look like this
. X . X . X . X
X . X . X . X .
. X . X . X . X
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
O . O . O . O .
. O . O . O . O
O . O . O . O .
This should take you between 1 and 4 hours to complete. Please present a working
program along with the amount of time you spent on the program. You can do this
as a command-line program if you like (that's completely acceptable), or you can do
it as a GUI program, but a working program in 4 hours or less is your mandate.
Note: Command-line program is merely a suggestion to fit the 4 hour time frame. If you can get more done in time, it is certainly extra credit to exceed the minimum requirements and provide a GUI based app.
We prefer C++, but if you can do more by using a different solution (for example, a .net or swing GUI), you can use a different language. You are also free to use 3rd party libraries like Qt, Box2D, etc. Just make sure we can build what you deliver. I also recommend you include a working binary in your submission. A ready-to-build VS2010 solution is probably easiest, unless you use Java. In that case, just provide the source and an ant build.xml or equivalent.
And the email which accompanied the test description said this:
This test should take up to 4 hours to complete. Don’t worry, you don’t need to do the test today. In fact, it isn’t due for about a week (and we’re very flexible on this, as we know you’ll need to make the time to complete it). The only strict requirement we have is that you only spend up to 4 hours actually working on the app.
I've never been a fast programmer. I'm much more interested in quality than speed, and I've always preferred to take my time and think about the design before just hacking away. But, if most programmers can do this test in under 4 hours, then maybe I actually suck at programming! That's what has always bothered me about this.
For what it's worth, I asked ChatGPT today, and it agreed with me - it said that this test is unreasonably difficult for a 1-4 hour time period, even for an experienced C++ developer. But I would like to hear from other experienced developers and get your opinion.