Am I totally weird for being into lactation?

I am a 32 yr old female with a kink for breast feeding and lactation. If you saw me, You’d never know it and most people would honestly be shocked. I am a very successful professional, and attractive but this is a hidden kink I’ve had for well over 10 years now. When I was 21, I met a young female college advisor at university (she wasn’t my personal advisor but a staff member) and her and I initiated a very loose friendship (very casual conversations in the hallways based on random commonalities/interests). About a year in, she gave birth but returned to work within a few weeks. During one of those days I briefly passed her office and struck up a casual conversation about her being back to work and how she was doing. She was clearly not having a great day so I proceeded to bring her some lunch a few hours later. At some point, somehow while I was in her office, there was a conversation involving insinuations about her breasts being sore and her being in pain because she was overproducing milk. She joked about her husband helping her “relieve things” by suckling on them. That was basically how it all started. Things did not initiate right in that moment but the next time we were alone, it just happened and I ended up nursing from her tits for about 10-15 min before we had to stop. It was the most arousing experience I ever had, and it continued to happen there after, leading to things going much further between us. Eventually I left university and we lost touch but I’ve had about 4 more breast feeding relationships with women since and actively seek them out. I just can’t stop…