Meloxicam use in cats

DSH, 10 years old, 14.7lbs, female, spayed. History of crystals and UTI. Has been on a urinary care diet for many years now. Brought her in because I thought she had a UTI. (she’s prone to UTI’s and crystals so she’s on a urinary care diet for life)Vet did an ultrasound and urinalysis and she was negative for UTI. They suspect she is stressed about something and may have inflammation in her bladder walls (?) As a precautionary, she prescribed my cat Meloxicam. After reading all of the horrible things about it with cats, I’m really nervous to give more than the one liquid dose I already did. She’s also on gabapentin so she can relax and not feel like she needs to pee every 10-15 mins. She also had blood in her urine but they said that could be because of the inflammation. I don’t know what to do. Nothing in my home has changed for her to be stressed about and if it’s not a UTI I’m unsure where to go next. Her urine wasn’t bloody for the entire day she struggled peeing and then by the next day it was bloody. So is that from the stress she’s causing by trying to force it?

Edited to include basic info