Does anyone else's boyfriend or husband announce their bowel movements?

So, my (35f) boyfriend (37m) of one year has this habit of announcing every time he needs to poop. He’ll say things like, “Gotta go do a #2” or “Time to do a doody.” When he comes out of the bathroom, he’ll let out a loud “Phew!” or “Whooo boy!" and follow it up with something like, “Don’t go in there!” while laughing.

I’m planning to ask him to tone it down and do his business more discreetly. Obviously, everyone poops, but I’d rather not hear about it—it’s a bit of a turnoff.

Does anyone else’s partner do this? Does it bother you or make you feel less attracted to them?

He also farts openly in front of me. If he has to do a really big fart, he'll go into the other room, but obviously, I can still hear him perfectly. Meanwhile, I’ve made a point to be discreet. He has no idea when I’m pooping, and I've only accidentally farted in front of him a couple of times.