Know when to fold them?

It’s been a long slog through my local dating scene, and initially, i thought i was so lucky to finally meet this guy. He is so handsome and sweet. at times, i feel so connected to him that I feel my heart could burst from happiness. But his sweetness and tenderness towards me doesn’t ever last long. It’s typically a fight about feeling disrespected/unloved (won’t look up from his phone when I’m talking to him, takes out his work/custody frustrations on me, changes our plans unilaterally without great communication, then gets mad at me about it when i misunderstood, etc).

We are unable to repair easily. We are in couples counseling, and he’s trying to learn to control his anger. But after laying out why I feel hurt by his actions, he issues a robotic, insincere sounding apology (sorta like when moms force kids to apologize for something they aren’t sorry for). I don’t feel heard or validated, and when triggering actions happen again, i feel like I wasted hours of time trying this nonviolent communication nonsense. It just doesn’t seem to work for us. When I don’t immediately trust his forced apology, he loses his temper, and spews out more hurtful/sarcastic/passive aggressive crap, and then I feel worse than I did before.

There are times when I truly feel like I’ve found my soul mate, and then others where our fights last for days, during which I feel completely spent and hopeless. How do you decide if it’s worth throwing out this entire relationship and starting from scratch, or sticking around and continuing in therapy?