Thoughts on having children

Curious people’s thoughts on having children

I turn 35 this week and feel like I’m coming to the fork in the road whether I do or don’t want to have children.

When I was younger, I thought I would have 2.5 and a white picket fence before I was 30. Now, I’m approaching 35 and really enjoy the life I’ve built for myself. Friends who are my age are panicking on having kids or getting their eggs frozen to do so later in life. I oddly don’t feel my biological clock ticking, but know that I can’t wait forever to make a decision. I think having kids would be incredibly fulfilling and so much fun to do, especially with someone you love, but I also find my current life very fulfilling.

Just curious what other women think who do and don’t have children. I’m so down the middle/on the fence about it, any advice you have is appreciated :)