Is it still a democracy if everything is via Executive Order/Supreme court rulings?

It seems that the animosity and unwillingness for Democrats and Republicans to work together on anything has created a scenario in which the president simply creates Executive Order after Executive Order and that if any group of people oppose this Executive Order it must be argued in front of a judge and then appealed until it reaches SCOTUS who then gets to decide the law. SCOTUS prior responsibility was not to CREATE law but to interpret and uphold the Constitution/against cases that have been pushed up the appeals circuit to them. Is American still a democracy if Congress and the Senate basically have no effective function anymore?

EDIT UPDATE; Without getting too pedantic - I mean "democracy" in the general sense that the American population that is eligible to vote, votes for the representatives of their choice and those representatives take an oath to fulfill the duties of their position while upholding the Constitution of the United States.

Democracy Definition & Meaning— a form of government in which the people elect representatives to make decisions, policies, laws, etc. according to law or constitution.