Horrible money habits
Idk why but for me I'm just never able to keep money in my account. I've never learned to save or manage everyone always tells me too and no one ever actually shows me. I look it up online and try to think of ways that will work for me but nothing ever works. I used to be a bad impulse spender and still am at some points. I work a job making 24/hr wich sounds decent but it doesn't seem to be that much. I'm 21 and pay 1,000 in rent 400 on a car and 200 on a motorcycle here a few months ago after Christmas I had a few bad weeks of gambling but I've been able to stay away from that lately. For Christmas I spent a total of 1900 on everyone in total putting myself behind on a few things. Instead of catching up I went and gambled and obviously did not do well. I've been trying to catch up and just can't seem to make any progress I am behind on almost every single bill I also have a ticket that's late too. It's like as soon as I catch up on one thing another thing is behind. Maybe I'm just dramatic and it's not as bad as it seems but it just seems like I'm never ahead. Like how am I ever supposed to start a family or own a house my credit score is like 400. I'm always trying to pick up side gigs and what not but it never works out. I'm stuck in this rural area and they're are no decent paying jobs can't move because I'm too broke. It just feels like I'm stuck with no light at the end of the tunnel. I know it sounds like this is just a couple month thing but no I have always been behind on atleast one bill due to my impulsiveness.