Anyone else ever deal with “phantom” smells

ETA: I think phantom isn’t exactly the word I was looking for but it’s more that I tend to smell things that my mom or others claim not to

I know it’s a little bit of an odd question but it sort of dawned on me that it might be a neurodivergent thing…I guess I’m just wondering if anyone else has dealt with anything similar?

The one that bugs me the most is our dishwasher. My mom makes me feel crazy because I say it smells like wet dog after a cycle. It’s not every single time, but when it happens I have to wash whatever dish I’m using.

I’ve had it happen with prescription shampoos, which I figured was because of porous hair holding onto the scent.

Recently I’ve also had it happen with food smells. I can’t think of anything I ate today that would cause the smell I’m currently smelling…I washed my face, changed my clothes, and used a wet q-tip to wipe out the inside of my nose but I’m still smelling it. It almost smells like butter…like not as bad as the wet dog smell but still weird and sort of off-putting.