Please take a moment to read

Something I have noticed pooping up recently is some of you being very comfortable making absolutely unfounded accusations against people and their prescribed use of medicine or just flat out accusing people of being on hard drugs.

I don’t think you realise the harm you are doing and just how hurtful accusations like this are. A lot of this is also towards female identifying content creators. It’s well known women are more likely to go undiagnosed as children I know this first hand as I went undiagnosed until my late 20’s. Just because someone doesn’t behave the way you think they should on their medication does not mean they are abusing it or should not be prescribed it.

Then to jump to the conclusion these people must be on hard drugs simply because they have come out as ND and their behaviour still seems off to you is so damaging. Speculating on drug use and using it as reason to push someone down is never okay and is completely unacceptable.

Women can be outspoken, loud and behave in whatever way they please and it doesn’t have to be because they are abusing prescribed medication or drugs it can simply just be because that’s what they want to do. Some of you don’t realise it but you have a lot of internalised misogyny you need to work through and I wish for just one moment you would hold white men just as accountable as you do every single woman in existence.