Ascension Seton experiences?

Have had a pretty damn terrible time dealing with Seton over the last 48 hours. To keep a long story short, I went to the ER and was prescribed an antibiotic. Got it filled the next day (yesterday), took my first dose in the middle of the day, and then got a bad feeling. Double-checked all of my paperwork for the meds and saw it had a very severe interaction with my antidepressant. It was at that point that I realized they never asked me about any of my medications, period. Thankfully because I took it mid-day I didn't run into any issues, and just skipped the AD dose last night to make sure there weren't any issues.

Today, I called my pharmacy to follow-up and see what could be done. They offered to call the hospital for me to get it changed. They called back about 30 minutes later and said the hospital refused. When I spoke to my nurse practitioner that I see for my psych services, she also called them with me on the phone. Their first answer was that they "couldn't change it without talking to the patient." The NP pointed out that I was there too to which they changed the story: "We can't do it without them being here."

Wound up having to go to an urgent care and pay /more/ money to get a different antibiotic. Everything seems to be stabilizing now, but I'm extremely frustrated, and trying to figure out if that's the norm or not. Seton is the closest hospital to me (aside from freestanding ones), so if it's just a fluke, I get it. But if not, I want to know if I need to make the slightly longer trip to another hospital. Thankfully we don't want for any facilities near where I live (adding maybe 5 minutes onto the trip)!

Thank you in advance for letting me vent and anything you might have for me.