Central Texas becoming a more arid climate

Because it seems like our summers have been hotter and winters having more freezes, I see a lot of folks hypothesizing we’re moving to a more arid climate. I tend to agree with this, and have been only planting natives that are also endemic to desert areas like Monterey oak, globemallow, yellow bells, Arizona cypress, and Mexican buckeye. Water reclamation will probably become even more important as we experience longer droughts and heavier, more sporadic flooding.

Is there anything else we can do to prepare for this possible change? I still love the ecology of this area with all my heart, so I’m not into the idea of moving away. I also think everywhere is going to be affected by climate change, so that’s a futile endeavor.

I’m also curious on if plants native to other dryer areas like west Texas will become native here. Is that even possible?

We have an interesting future ahead! I’d love to hear y’all’s thoughts in terms of gardening, ecology, etc.