has anyone else noticed this in the workplace??
TLDR: allistic people dont even follow their own rules, unless it suits their personal needs.
something i've noticed in every workplace i have been in - there are like 100 unecessary rules. extra steps, corporate crap, inefficient things, etc. and NOBODY follows them, often times they make the job a lot more difficult. when you get trained, they teach you the 'proper' way to do everything, but nobody else that works there bothers.
so WHY are the rules even there???
some examples i can think of are uniform policy that is never enforced, specific tasks that you are told to do daily but only need to be done every week or so, policy ie. only paying customers can use the bathroom, company lines you have to memorise in customer service, rules like you arent allowed to sit on the job etc.
but ive also noticed how they get used against staff when management has decided they dont like them anymore. people get singled out for breaking a rule nobody else has to follow.
to me it seems like they have loopholes to fire people for illegal reasons? so if the company finds out you have a disability or are a minority religion or something, they can sack you for scooping too much yogurt instead. and also for workplace bullying, instead of picking on someone for the way they look, they just get micromanaged about taking too long to sweep the floors until they quit.
maybe ive just worked at garbage hospitality jobs, has anyone else had experience with this? am i just taking things too literally, am i missing something?