"pick me's" "girls girls" and feminism. - Stop using past trauma to harbor internalized misogyny.
(Not to invalidate your experiences, but let's all check our internal misogyny.)
Hey everyone, I've noticed a trend of women in this sub expressing their problems socializing with other women due to covert hate and shade being thrown at them throughout their lives or issues connecting to other women. But I need to remind you guys that just because you've had a hard time connecting with certain women in your life doesn't make it okay to place men on a higher level than women, either consciously or subconsciously.
I think many of you may be failing to pick up on the ways that men can take advantage of whatever they perceive to be as naïvety in us. Also, the patriarchy exists, and men often don't view women as full, complete people/ complex individuals/ on the same level as them in intelligence.
Ever considered the fact that men are also being mean or shitty to you as well, and maybe you're not noticing it, or you're choosing not to "throw a fit" about it? There is a lot of criticism against mean NT women, but nearly none for NT men. Strange. .
. I'm here to promote feminism, and that's more than just being " a girls girl". It means checking yourself when you use "bitch" in your language exclusively for women or distance yourself from women because you've had difficult experiences. Everyone has been dealt a shitty hand before, but we need to move on from that and not let it taint our perspective of women. We need each other.
As a collective, I encourage you to check yourselves and to really evaluate what is going on internally past your anxiety about being seen as a "pick me" or how much you rely on believing you are a "girls girl". Feminism is essential, and we need to keep these values in the front of our minds if we want to have women-centered abelism to be eradicated.
We can't do that if we refuse to move on from social trauma around female friendships and paint women with broad brushes.
I see this happening way too much in ND circles and its totally fucked up.