My son refuses to go to school

My son 8 yr speech impaired diagnosed level 3 autism after finishing kinder grade refuses to go to school. Now the school has been on us and we had few meetings with the board trying to figure a solution. We tried almost anything and everything to get him to go. We'll now there's a cop who was called by the school to do a welfare check and he threatened us We could Lose our son if he don't go. And I'm so stress out I'm curious is it possible we could go to jail ? Originally added this in the comment section yesterday by mistake

I'm from California in the central valley As far as I know there's no homeschooling or online options for my county He just refuses to go and will throw himself and he'll even kick and strip whatever clothes we put on him He can't really say whole lot but he does repeat things I'm sure we are in trouble and we just moved after being overcharged on rent He won't ride the bus he won't stay seated very long That's probably one of the main problems in class Getting up and start walking around He's very charming and knows how to use the right words or phrases when he wants things and if he don't like what your wearing he'll tell you to chang3 Don't know if this helps but I want to thank every one who commented I'm sort of giving up cuz my old neighbor said they been going every day knocking on our old spot and it's only a matter of time before they find us