Ignorant People
Had a horrible interaction with a random member of the public last week and it’s still playing on my mind.
I was chatting to a woman I’d never met before and I mentioned I had given up work to be a full-time carer for my children with special needs and she came out with this gem:
Woman: my kids aren’t SEN. My kids couldn’t be further from SEN. My kids are bright. Me: my kids are bright, they just have autism…
Needless to say, I edged away from her and I am planning to avoid her as much as possible!
Do people seriously hear “special needs” and immediately think “stupid”?! I knew some people could be ignorant but I was blown away by the rudeness of it.
I’m a very non-confrontational person and I rarely know how to react instinctively so I’m now kicking myself that I didn’t give her a dressing down!