Amazon's Study Hall - Daily Questions Megathread (09/04)
Here you can ask questions and seek advice about the game. Help each other out and grow together! Below are some useful resources that you might find helpful. Enjoy.
Resources |
Azur Lane English Wiki |
Quick Beginner's Starting Guide by /u/Ruvicante |
In-Depth Guide by Shipposting Duck |
Azur Lane Community Discord Server |
Azur Lane Official English Discord Server |
Other Megathreads |
Sandy's Salty Stage - Gacha & Drop Megathread |
McCall's Treehouse - Dorm Showcase Megathread |
JP players can bind via binding code or Twitter account. EN players can bind via Twitter account or Facebook account. Find these options in the settings.
Use at least one account bind option. Use both if you want to be extra safe. If your device is lost, damaged, or a game update breaks the app and forces you to reinstall, you could permanently lose your account. EN accounts CANNOT be recovered by Azur Lane staff without an account bind via Twitter or Facebook.
So just do it. Twitter and Facebook accounts are free, make a separate account if you're paranoid about friends and family learning about your boat waifu addiction.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I re-roll? How do I do it?
No. There are a few reasons for this:
- Names cannot be re-used.
- Ships are constructed with non-premium currency that you can obtain easily through gameplay.
- SSR ships are not required for progression.
- High value ships are often stage drops and not in construction.
Is X ship good?
Take a look at this gallery or this post for notable ships.
All ships are usable with proper development, just know that some ships and compositions are far less viable on difficult stages.
Should I be spamming Construction or saving cubes?
Saving cubes is important as you will want a large stockpile of them to attempt limited constructions which appear during events for a limited time. Outside of events, spend 1 cube per day to satisfy the daily construction mission, and in doing so you will complete the weekly mission which gives 6 cubes.
However, players starting out should spam construction for the first 2 or 3 days in order to expand your options for fleet setups.
Should I keep duplicate ships?
No, consider the following:
- Duplicates of ships you actively use: Keep for limit breaking and remodel.
- Duplicates of ships you don't use, Rare or higher: Retire for Medals of Honor (in Build menu).
- Duplicates of ships you don't use, Normal rarity: Consume for enhancement of active use ships.
I'm struggling on this stage, what should I do?
A few options to consider:
- Level up your ships. Level advantage makes a difference. Also try Limit Breaking.
- Check your equipment. Equip Blue rarity equipment or higher and upgrade it.
- Adjust your composition. Maybe you need a high HP frontliner to soak more damage. Maybe you need a Battleship in the backline to help with fire ships.
When should I Limit Break?
This depends on your playstyle. Limit Breaking increases a ship's stats and capabilities at the price of increased fuel costs. Therefore:
- If you lean on the side of casual play and don't sortie very much each day, Limit Break as soon as possible.
- If you lean on the side of hardcore play and sortie very frequently, Limit Break only if you are struggling to progress.
Note that these guidelines apply to your main use fleets, farming fleets will have a different approach, as described on the next question.
Also, regardless of your playstyle, Limit Break when your ships are approaching level cap to prevent wasted XP.
What are good fleets to use for farming? Fletchers?
Farming fleets are designed to clear stages with as little fuel use as possible. Therefore, farming fleets focus on using small fleets with high sustainability, i.e. 1:1 fleets (one backline ship, one frontline ship). Many ships are viable for 1:1 setup given they are high level and have upgraded gear, though here are some popular, cheap suggestions:
Early game (chapter 1-5):
- Fletcher Fleet (NOT RECOMMENDED IN JP/EN): Guide
- 1:1 Fleet: Erebus OR Terror (no limit breaks, high leveled skills) WITH Phoenix OR Leander (limit break as needed, high leveled skills, cheap options), most ships will work here
- Mahan Helpers: 1:1 fleets can be bolstered by adding Cassin and/or Downes (no limit breaks, some skill levels) as they provide fleet evasion and survivability for little added cost.
Mid to late game (chapter 6-8):
- Fletcher fleet starts to struggle because limit break 0 ships are capped at level 70 (JP/EN) and their output is crippled against enemies that match or go above their level. This is why it's not a good idea to do fletcher fleet.
- 1:1 Fleet: Nelson OR Rodney OR Tirpitz OR Duke of York (max limit break, high skill levels) WITH Phoenix OR Leander Remodel (max limit break, max skill levels), again these two are cheap but most ships can fill this slot given they have proper damage output
- Healer Helpers: 1:1 fleets can be bolstered by adding Unicorn OR Shouhou OR Arizona (limit break as needed, high skill levels) for healing and damage support.
- Mahan Helpers: Still a possible option for the reasons mentioned in "Early game"
End game (chapter 9+):
- Farming fleets get very dicey at this point, you can still run the 1:1 fleet options shown in "Mid to late game" but a healer helper is a must.
- It is recommended to bring a full power second fleet to use exclusively on the boss node when it appears.
When farming, should I clear all the nodes on a stage or go straight to the boss?
Attack the boss node as soon as it appears, as it is the only node that has worthwhile drops for the entire stage. This is also true for farming a non-boss dropped ship, as the boss node is guaranteed to drop a ship if completed with S-rank. Don't waste fuel on nodes that potentially gain you 10 gold.
How should I set up my fleet formation?
Please look at Duck's guide linked above for an in-depth take. In short, for the front line, the most tanky ship goes in the bottom-left, the next tanky ship in the top-right, and the least tanky ship in the center.
What should I be equipping?
Infographic from Duck's Guide. While it is geared for endgame options you can try to equip blue rarity of the same type.
How do I get more oil/fuel?
Fuel in Azur Lane is equivalent to the stamina systems of most mobile games. Your Canteen generates fuel, and you can get some from mission and commission rewards.
If you run dry, consider running less ships in your fleets, also consider that SSR ships consume the most fuel of their hull class, and ship fuel consumption increases with limit breaks. Also consider taking a break for the day.
How do I get gold?
Aside from generation via the Merchant, large gold drops come from Daily Raids and the 8-10 hour commission (costs 800+ fuel). What should I spend Gems on?
Priority list:
- Slots for the Dorm
- Dockyard capacity
- 2nd Floor Upgrade for Dorm
- Rings
- Skins
- 3rd Tactical Classroom slot (depends on your needs)
Spending Gems on anything not listed here is not recommended. However, it is really personal preference.
What should I spend Medals of Honor on?
Buy the featured SSR if you want her, or need a duplicate for limit breaking. Otherwise, solid purchases are gold and purple Bulins (if needed), T3 Skillbooks, T2 Retrofit Blueprints (T3 if needed), PR Blueprints (not in EN), and lowest priority, Full Course (Dorm food). Anything else is not recommended, though your needs may vary.
What are Retrofit Blueprints? How do I use them?
Retrofit Blueprints are used in ship retrofitting, and are consumed on the retrofit upgrade tree found in ship details. Note that not all ships have a retrofit, and furthermore not all retrofits are available on EN currently. It is recommended to save your blueprints and only retrofit ships you plan on using, as higher tier blueprints can be hard to come by.
Why can't I rank up past Colonel?
For ranks Brigadier General and higher, in addition to meeting the rank score requirement, you must be high enough on the player leaderboards to rank up. For Brigadier General, that means you need to be in the top 1000. All ranks and thresholds can be found on the Exercises wiki page.
When is daily and weekly reset?
[EN] Daily reset is at midnight (0:00) PDT, weekly reset is Sunday night at midnight PDT.