Dailyish Share Count Update: 54,550,559 Shares | 1,227 Shareholders | 35,475 Options Contracts | 58,319,159 Total Potential Shares | 110,000 2024 Bonds | 100,000 2034 Bonds | 100,000 2044 Bonds



As always, whether you're already on the share tracker and want to update your count or report a new position, please reply to this post with the total number of shares you hold. This tracker started on May 4th. If you weighed-in with your share count at some point before this date, your shares are not included yet. Anyone who wants to participate but do so privately, or if your comments aren't going through because you don't have enough karma, you can message me directly anytime!

In case there are shareholders among us who want to participate but do so privately without any connection to Reddit, you can also email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). That goes for you too, Pulte, if you're out there lurking somewhere!

Hang tight a little longer, we're gonna make it boys.