All i want to be is a "troubling" beauty but guess what all the people who have that kind of beauty are either poc or have light green or blue eyes! Sadly im a pale white passing mena that got cursed with brown eyes ,And what kill me inside is that i could have the light eyes i desired, 3 out 4 of my grandparents have blue eyes, my father have light green eyes,the rarest color and guess what i had to get it from the only part of the family that have brown eyes.
And i dont care if blue eyes have photosensibility or that "blue eyes look cold", you all claim photosensibility but youre not blind yet, and about the coldness, that literally the vibe i want,the harder my gaze,the more contant il would have been,i dont care that brown eyes are "warmer and more welcoming" that just shit people made up to make us feel better about ourselves.
Like even my favs,when i saw them,i feel so bad, im so jealous of their eye colors!
I dont need you to tell me you love brown eyes,you all never said it spontaneously unless we brought the subject! hypocrite! When i hear that you all love brown eyes its only for men,nobody care about girls with brown eyes because lets be honest blue eyes are way more feminine.
That the reason i brought boobs in that sub so much,since i didnt have the desire color,i wish i had a cleavage to distract people from my lack of the good color,since i know ill never recieve sincere compliment about my eye color,but even that i do not have.
i litterally dont know what to do,i wish i had my grandparent blue eyes,because even if i wear contact or get the surgery,my base will always be brown....i remember being a kid crying about not having blue eyes and im 20 and i still feel this way.