IT Consultant - IT Business Analyst
Age: 27
Education: Master Business Administration - Business Information Management
Work Experience : 3 years
Civil status: In a relationship - Legal Cohabitation
Dependent children (Kinderen ten laste/enfants à charge): None
Current job title/description: IT Consultant
(Ancienniteit/Anciennité): 4 months for current employer, 3 years in total.
Official hours/week : 40 Real hours/week
(excluding transport): 40-50 depending on internal work
Sector/Industry: IT Consultancy
Gross wage (brut): €3950
Net wage (incl. net fees): €2630
13th month (full? partial?): Full
Mobile phone? Laptop?: Ipad and Phone, Laptop at the client
Meal vouchers: €7 for each day worked
Ecocheques: no
Group Insurance (% part employer): yes
Hospitalisation Insurance: yes
Other advantages (bonus, 14th month, stocks...): 14th month and +- 10K net bonus, depends on the money you bring in, i.e a day-rate and billable days. But for a normal 220-230 days and my experience level this will be around 8-12k net
City/region of work: /
Distance home-work (km's): will not tell for privacy reasons, but I work mostly from home
Distance home-work (time): /
Do you need your own car?: no
How is the travel home-work compensated: Company car (BMW 330E) + fuel card
Amount of official holidays: 20
(ADV, RTT) : none
Other extra holidays: We can take up as many as we want, as long as we work at least 200 billable days a year. But as our bonus depends on it we preferably work 220 days a year, so holidays amount to 35-40 days in total.
How easy can you plan a day off: easy
Shiftwork or daytime job? Daytime
Flexible working hours: no
Amount of stress (standby for troubles at work)?: Depends on client and yourself. Currently, I take up lot's of work at the client and make ambitious roadmaps, so it can get stressy when approaching deadlines.
How often does overtime happens: Weekly, but again, it all depends on yourself.
Education possibilities: Budget to be spent on what you like
Teleworking (besides corona-period): Most of the time
Responsible for personnel (reports): no