I finally understand…

The third tri “over it” stage.

Throughout my pregnancy I kept seeing all these posts from people in the third tri saying they’re over being pregnant. I had a fairly easy pregnancy and was just grateful for where I was at. Well… now I’m 37 weeks and I am OVER IT 😭

I’m so excited to meet my baby and see what they look like. I’m so in awe of my body and the amazing things it’s done in the past 9 months. I am so grateful for this journey. But holy cow am I over it.

I can’t sleep.

I can’t breathe.

I can’t think.

I can hardly reach my bits at this point to wipe which is unfortunate because the one thing I can seem to do is pee (but only a little bit at a lot of times)

Im so tired yall. Hunger games salute to all my third tri mamas out there 🫡 🥲